Study on antiinflammatory effects of water soluble substance with low molecular weight from Angelica sinensis
目的:探讨当归水溶性低分子质量部分抗炎作用的研究。方法:首先取80只SD大鼠随机分为空白对照组、模型组、氢化可的松2 mg·kg-1组和当归水溶性低分子质量部分0.18 g·kg-1、0.09 g·kg-1组。按1 mg·kg-1脂多糖(LPS)腹腔注射制作炎症模型,ELISA测定血浆肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)、白细胞介素(IL-6),比较各组给药前后TNF-α和IL-6的差异。然后取40只KM小鼠随机分为4组进行二甲苯致小白鼠耳肿胀试验,比较各组耳肿胀度。结果:与模型组比较,当归水溶性低分子质量部分组TNF-α、IL-6水平明显降低(P<0.05);当归水溶性低分子质量部分可明显抑制二甲苯致小白鼠耳肿胀(P<0.01)。结论:当归水溶性低分子质量部分具有明显的抗炎作用。
OBJECTIVE To study effects of water soluble low molecular weight fractions of Angelica sinensis.METHODS First 80 SD rats were randomly divided into the following groups: blank control group, model group, hydrocortisone 2 mg·kg-1 group, Angelica solution of low molecular weight part 0.18 g·kg-1 and 0.09 g·kg-1 groups. LPS 1 mg·kg-1 was injected intraperitoneally to produce inflammatory models. ELISA was used to determine TNF-α and IL-6. Then, 40 KM mice were randomly divided into 4 groups to carry out xylene induced mouse ear swelling test, and to compare swelling degree between different groups.RESULTS Compared with model group, TNF-αand IL-6 levels in water soluble low molecular weight fractions of Angelica sinensis were significantly decreased (P<0.05), and water soluble low molecular weight fractions of Angelica sinensis could inhibit ear swelling of mice induced by xylene (P<0.01).CONCLUSION Water soluble low molecular weight fractions of Angelica sinensis have obvious antiinflammatory effects.
当归水溶性低分子质量部分 / 抗炎 / 肿瘤坏死因子 / 白细胞介素-6 {{custom_keyword}} /
water soluble low molecular weight fractions of Angelica sinensis / antiinflammatory / TNF-α / IL-6 {{custom_keyword}} /
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